
Monday 25 October 2010

Lousy Longleat; no monkey business

After months of getting it organized, myself, my daughter and son-in-law went to Longleat in Wiltlshire yesterday. Well what a disappoinment! The house and gardens were lovely and we enjoyed the miniture railway but as for the safari park..if you thinking of going...don't! You'd be better off with a David Attenborough DVD.

The safari park, was in our opinion, very badly managed. It was like being on the M25 but with trees. We were expecting to drive slowly and steadily through it. Indeed we expected to see signs to that effect; asking the cars to keep moving. No, no. There's nothing like that so what happens is that when a tiger is spotted ( and there were only three I think) cars stop - and stay stopped - for just as long as they want which creates this dreadful back-up of traffic. It took over two hours to get to these Tigers!! Absoutely ridiculous. Not to mention VERY BORING. We did mention it to one of the staff at one point but she just shrugged and said 'it's normal'. Clearly they don't do any customer service training!

And if it's this bad in October what on earth is it llike in July? Never mind being mauled by a lion or Tiger. You are much likely to die of boredom/starvation/thirst - or a combination of all three!

My son-in-law fell asleep as did plenty of other car passengers (that I noticed looking round) and frankly I'm not surprised. I felt very sorry for those people in cars with small children. 99% of the time spent in that safari trail there was nothing to see. They migh just as well have taken them to the motorway for all there was happening.

And to add insult to injury the mokey trail was closed which is generally the best bit!

Friday 8 October 2010

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